The Pixie Ring is a unique blend of sophistication and magical allure. Featuring a delicately twisted band design, reminiscent of the graceful and intricate beauty found in nature. The ring's highlight is the marquise-cut...
The Pixie Ring is a unique blend of sophistication and magical allure. Featuring a delicately twisted band design, reminiscent of the graceful and intricate beauty found in nature. The ring's highlight is the marquise-cut moonstone, known for its captivating play of light, which creates a sense of enchantment and mystery.
• Magic + Enchanting + Dreamy
• Rainbow Moonstone
• 14K Gold Vermeil
• Lead & Nickel free
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Please note that Sunsara is not responsible for any customs or importation charges that maybe incurred with international orders. It is the customer's responsibility to cover all customs related charges.
It is beautiful and the person I brought it for loves it and now won't take it off.
It is beautiful and the person I brought it for loves it and now won't take it off.
Oh my stars!!! I love it! It is absolutely perfect in every way.
Thank you! ❤️
amazing quality, perfect fit and i am in love with the moonstone!
Beautiful ring! And Sara was super helpful. Received my ring quickly. Would definitely recommend